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Human-centered business operations education

Grow your career and your business

Education made especially for:

  • Department and project leaders who equally care about their team as people and achieving their own goals
  • Founders of companies looking to scale with less stress
  • The first, founding employees of startups who don't want to figure out and invent everything themselves

Documentation and Knowledge Management Courses


Here is a guide and quiz to decide which of the documentation class formats is right for your needs.

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How to Document Your Business Processes

2-week live cohort course and workbook, $499

Session topics include:

  • Determine which processes to start documenting first

  • Write a clear process anyone can follow

  • Create a system to keep documentation in use and updated

  • Construct a compelling case to convince your team why documentation is essential for success

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How to write a clear process anyone can follow

3-hour live workshop and workbook, $149

This one-day workshop is based on part of two sessions of content from the 2-week course.

Workshop attendees can receive $149 off the full 2-week course.

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Create a system to keep documentation in use and updated

2.5-hour live workshop and workbook, $149

This one-day workshop is based on part of two sessions of content from the 2-week course.

Workshop attendees can receive $149 off the full 2-week course.

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ON DEMAND at How to Document Your Business Processes

3+ hours of videos and 3+ hours of suggested work, $200 with workbook

Session topics include:

  • Determine which processes to start documenting first

  • Write a clear process anyone can follow

  • Create a system to keep documentation in use and updated

  • Overcoming objections & creating a culture of documentation




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ON DEMAND: How and Why to Document Your Business Processes

3+ hours of videos and 3+ hours of suggested work, $150 by itself or $200 with workbook

Session topics include:

  • Determine which processes to start documenting first

  • Write a clear process anyone can follow

  • Create a system to keep documentation in use and updated

  • Overcoming objections & creating a culture of documentation

Read more about these topics in this documentation guide.

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ON DEMAND: Each of the individual 4 sessions of the documentation course

Session topics include:

  • Determine which processes to start documenting first

  • Write a clear process anyone can follow

  • Create a system to keep documentation in use and updated

  • Overcoming objections & creating a culture of documentation




RevOps Courses


HubSpot Academy RevOps Bootcamp

I co-created and co-teach this 6-week live cohort course through HubSpot Academy.

It is partially based on my book research.

Free for HubSpot partners and customers.

Topics include:

  • What is RevOps?
  • Current & future state process mapping
  • Prioritizing and making a roadmap
  • Communicating your value and your success
  • Skills and knowledge needed to grow your career
  • How to be more strategic and proactive instead of tactical and reactive

Employee Onboarding courses: Coming in 2024

Fill out any amount of this survey to receive updates on the course, and/or participate in the research that will shape the course content