Jen Bergren Blog

MBA Update: Management Science

Written by Jen Bergren | Dec 27, 2017 4:27:00 AM

School and work have kept me too busy to post for a while! I have finished one year of the MBA program so will try to catch up on class overviews while I’m technically on break before January’s classes begin.

What is management science?

Management Science is a discipline that attempts to aid managerial decision making by applying a scientific approach to managerial problems that involve quantitative factors.

Various tools related to Management Science:

  • Decision Theory
  • Mathematical Programming
  • Linear Programming
  • Binary & Integer Programming
  • Queuing
  • Simulation

The course goals:

  • Recognize production and operations management problems, select appropriate methods of analysis and develop criteria and techniques for optimal decision making.
  • Develop and use models to understand the process for making rational
    operations management decisions within a systems framework, under uncertainty and risk, and considering relationships with other functional areas of the total enterprise or supply chain.
  • Use appropriate methods to monitor and control processes within an
    entire organization.
  • Develop appropriate mathematical models as tools for evaluating and solving business problems and understanding the impact of sensitivity analysis.


Book: An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making


Operation Everything

Mastering the Numbers Game

Doing Good with Good

I’m Not Paying That

Optimizing Helicopter Transport on Oil Rigs

Optimizing the queue for waiting lines was a big topic, here are some of the articles from that lesson:

Theme Parks Aiming to Eliminate Waiting in Lines

Disney FastPass 

Disney FastPass Use up 40% 

Is Six Flags FlashPass Worth the Cost? 

You Can Skip the Lines… 


I started the online MBA program at Montclair State University in January 2017.