School and work have kept me too busy to post for a while! I have finished one year of the MBA program so will try to catch up on class overviews while I’m technically on break before January’s ...
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Jen Bergren Blog
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Jen Bergren
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School and work have kept me too busy to post for a while! I have finished one year of the MBA program so will try to catch up on class overviews while I’m technically on break before January’s ...
School and work have kept me too busy to post for a while! I have finished one year of the MBA program so will try to catch up on class overviews while I’m technically on break before January’s ...
School and work have kept me too busy to post for a while! I have finished one year of the MBA program so will try to catch up on class overviews while I’m technically on break before January’s ...
A few weeks ago I finished another MBA class. Here’s an overview of the class, to help me remember what I’ve learned, as well as let you know what I’ve been studying lately.
This past quarter I had two MBA classes, statistics and a class called Achieving Competitive Advantage. (8 weeks is technically a sixth, not a quarter, but that sounds weird!)
I haven’t had a math class since high school, so I was pretty nervous about this graduate level statistics course. I ended up doing well, and the professor asked if my undergrad degree and job was ...
The first 8-week condensed MBA course was Management Accounting, and I thought I should write a bit about it before I have to return my textbook.
Photo credit: ForCreativepreneurs Stock, Creative Market When Natalie Sisson, The Suitcase Entreprenuer, emailed me about her new 10-day Freedom Plan blog challenge, it sounded like a great idea to ...